tep– Author –
・In hair industry for 10 years.
Carbonic acid baths for scalp
Carbonic acid baths are also recommended to. Recognizes lack of oxygen and promotes blood circulation. Injuries recover more quickly. Improves blood flow without raising blood pressure. Add 3.3 g of baking soda (derived from cosmetics) a... -
All the nutrition that is good for your hair and why
【What nutrition is good for hair and scalp?】 vitamin AVitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important for maintaining healthy immune function, vision, skin, bones, teeth, and hair. For hair, it is known to maintain a healthy scalp... -
Hair Growth Habits
Hair Growth Habits Don't worry too much about hair loss - Stress - Autonomic nervous system disorder - Hair loss Shower head chlorine removal - Strong chlorine kills indigenous bacteria. Selecting a shampoo that is not too strong in clea... -
Dry scalp treatment
• gentle shampoo and moisturizing conditioner • apply a light moisturizer to your scalp before you go to bed. If the cause is dry scalp, the flakes should disappear once you shower next morning. Or steam to deliver more moisture to your... -
Home remedies for scalp
Manage stress Eat healthy diet Develop hair and scalp care routine that suit you Get a little sun Limit hair styling products -
What is Dundruff shampoo
Dandruff shampoo are classified: 1: Pyrithione zinc shampoo( DermaZinc, head & shoulders, others) these contain antibacterial and anti fungal agent zinc pyrithione. 2: Tar-based shampoos ( Neutrogena T/ Gel, scalp 18 Coal Tar shampoo... -
Do you have dandruff?? Read this.
Which type do you have? Difference between dandruff and dry skin Dry scalp Dandruff Cuz it has too little moisture, Scalp get irritated and flakes offToo much oil, overgrowth of Malassezia Factors: cold, dry air Facto... -
Why is it important to take care your scalp?
These are reason is is important to take care scalp and masssage your head. Is it something that you must to do? No, it’s some sort of treat that benefits you. 1 : because determines the health of your hair 2 : because promote good...